Consumer Insurance Services Ltd has a B+ (good) financial strength rating, which was given by A.M. Best Company Inc. on 1 June 2022 A.M. Best Company Inc. is an approved agency pursuant to the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010.
Consumer Insurance Services Limited Solvency as at 31 December 2022 is: Actual Solvency Capital = $3,941,000, Minimum Solvency Capital = $3,000,000, Solvency Margin = $941,000, Solvency Ratio = 131%.
The Ratings Scale is: A++, A+ = Superior, A, A- = Excellent, B++, B+ = Good, B, B- = Fair, C++, C+ = Marginal, C, C- = Weak, D = Poor, E = Under Regulatory Supervision, F = In Liquidation, S = Suspended